Several videos on the benefits of Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts and how to get those results at home with Dr. Rhonda Patrick of Also links of interest. If you’re pressed for time and you wonder if this will have any interest for you, watch the quick “Recap” from the 2nd video. It starts 38…
The Amazing Health Benefits of eating Broccoli Sprouts – Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Sulforaphane
By drs
Categories: Health
Tags: acrolein, aging, air pollution, airborne carcinogens, Alzheimers, ASD, atherogenic index, atherosclerosis, autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, autistic score, avmacol, BDNF, benzene, bladder cancer, blood sugar, bok choy, brain derived neurotropic facto, brain function, breast cancer, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cancer, cancer preventative, cardiovascular health, cognitive function, cruciferous vegitables, depression, DNA adducts, EPA, FOX03, glucoraphanin, glucosinolates, hair growth, Huntington's, inflammation, isothiocyanates, Jed Fahey, Joe Rogan, kale, leukemia, lung cancer, mustard powder, myrosinase, nerve growth factor, neurodegenerative disease, neuronal plasticity, NGF, NQ01, NRF2, NRF2 pathway, oxidative stress, p53, Parkinson's, phase I biotransformation enzyme deactivation, phase II detoxification enzyme activation, prostaphane, prostate cancer, Rho A, Rhonda Patrick, schizophrenia, smoking, sulforaphane, TBI, traumatic brain injury, triglycerides, type 2 diabetes, wasabi